A Great and Terrible Beauty Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My sobs are great gasping hiccups. Miss Moore holds me in her sure arms, which remind me so much of my mother's right now, I can barely stand it. (16.104)

Gemma's art teacher becomes her new mother figure: strong, self-confident, educated, just, and kind. Lucky for Gemma, this woman is interested in helping her see her worth.

Quote #8

For some reason, the sight of Tom, reliable, snobby, shallow Tom fills me with good cheer. (25.52)

Families aren't perfect, or who we wish they were all the time, but still just being with a family member can be the most comforting thing in the world—even someone you don't like much and who makes you feel bad, like Tom.

Quote #9

I can't stand the sight of them huddled together against the truth, deaf and dumb to anything remotely real. (26.110)

Ugh. We totally understand Gemma's frustration with her family. Instead of supporting her and building a tight community by being able to acknowledge the truth together, her family is fighting it.