- What is a dog's purpose?
- For a dog, what is the difference between obedience and love? Is love different for dogs from what it is for humans?
- How would you describe the dog's voice? How does he narrate the story? Do his thoughts sound like the thoughts a dog would have?
- Although the dog is a different breed in each life—and sometimes a different sex—what traits always remain the same?
- What events in each of the dog's lives prepare him for things that happen in future lives?
- What if the dog were reincarnated again after his life as Buddy? What might his purpose be then?
- What do you think your dog's purpose is? What is a cat's purpose?
- If Ethan were reincarnated, do you think he would search out his dog?
- The author was born in Michigan in 1960. How much of the book do you think is autobiographical, or inspired by real life events?