A Clockwork Orange Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from A Clockwork Orange.

Quote #4

THE MINISTER: Cram criminals together and what do you get? Concentrated criminality...crime in the midst of punishment.

The film raises the question about what to do with prisoners, saying prison isn't the answer. It says that prison simply trains more criminals. This is even more relevant today, especially in the U.S. with its high prison population. But the film gives us no answers.

Quote #5

THE MINISTER: Not a chance, my dear fellow. The Government can't be concerned any longer with outmoded penological theories. Soon we may be needing all of our prison space for political offenders. Common criminals like these are best dealt with on a purely curative basis. Kill the criminal reflex that's all. Full implementation in a year's time. Punishment means nothing to them, you can see that...they enjoy their so-called punishment.

The Minister is anti-prison, and his Ludovico technique is intended to reduce the prison population. That sounds like a good thing on the surface, but what are the drawbacks?

Quote #6

PRISON GOVERNER: Well, these new ridiculous ideas have come at last, and orders are orders, though I may say to you in confidence. I do not approve. An eye for an eye, I say. If someone hits you, you hit back, do you not? Why then should not the State very severely hit by you brutal offenders not hit back also? But the new view is to say no. New view is that we turn the bad into good. All of which seems to be grossly unjust, eh?

This guy gets only one scene and it's no surprise that he is pro-prison. He's in charge of the prison, so of course he is. There is a lot of conflict between the government and the prison system on how to deal with prisoners. Who is right?