Society and Class Quotes in A Clash of Kings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Narrator.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ser Cleos ran a hand through his thin brown hair. "Even with a peace banner, we were attacked twice. Wolves in mail, hungry to savage anyone weaker than themselves. The gods alone know what side they started on, but they're on their own side now. Lost three men, and twice as many wounded." (21.Tyrion.60)

But what has a greater influence on our actions: social ideology or survival instinct? This quote suggests the answer is survival instinct, since these former soldiers have gone nuts on peaceful travelers. But this is just one piece of evidence found in the novel, and the jury, for us, is still out.

Quote #5

"While [Stannis] lives," Renly admitted. "Though it's a fool's law, wouldn't you agree? Why the oldest son, and not the best-fitted? The crown will suit me, as it never suited Robert and would not suit Stannis. I have it in me to be a great king, strong yet generous, clever, just, diligent, loyal to my friends and terrible to my enemies, yet capable of forgiveness, patient—" (32.Catelyn.99)

Just in case you thought all Seven Kingdoms peeps were zombies to the feudalist social structure—there are people in the novel who openly question why things are they way they are. Sure, Renly has the most to gain by asking the questions, but hey, he still asks them, so we're counting it. For more on this, check out his page in the "Characters" section.

Quote #6

"And I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth and meat and mead at my table, and pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you into dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new. Arise." As she clasped [Brienne's] hands between her own, Catelyn could not help but smile. (40.Catelyn.59)

Knights seem to do an awful lot of dying, but did you ever wonder what they got out of their service other than a sword through the gut? This quote explains how knights are taken care of when they don't have to fight a war or police the peace. Unfortunately, there's very little peace in it for them these days.