The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Pooh!" said Grand Duke Wilfred, looking at Bartholomew's hat and laughing meanly. "That hat won't come off? You stand over there." He pointed to a corner where the wall curved out. "I need a little target practice with my bow and arrow."

When Bartholomew saw that the Grand Duke Wilfred had only a child's bow he didn't feel frightened. He spoke up proudly, "I can shoot with my father's big bow." (79-80)

Bartholomew speaks to Wilfred plainly as he would anyone else. Big mistake. Wilfred sees himself as BC's better thanks to his class standing, and he won't stand for such talk.

Quote #5

"No! You look at me," answered the King. And he put the great hat on right over his crown. Arm in arm, the King and Bartholomew went down to the counting room to count out the gold. (146-147)

Bartholomew gets his 500 gold coins and climbs higher on the social ladder. But he only manages this because he makes the King feel good about himself. Is this an uplifting or depressing ending? We aren't quite sure.