1984 O'Brien Quotes

"If you are a man, Winston, you are the last man. Your kind is extinct; we are the inheritors. Do you understand that you are alone? You are outside history, you are non-existent." His manner changed and he said more harshly: "And you consider yourself morally superior to us, with our lies and our cruelty?" "Yes, I consider myself superior." (3.3.58-59, O’Brien and Winston)

Winston’s belief in his moral superiority to the Party’s lies and cruelty is indispensable to his rebellious spirit.

O'Brien > Winston Smith

Quote 23

"Can you think of a single degradation that has not happened to you?"

Winston had stopped weeping, though the tears were still oozing out of his eyes. He looked up at O'Brien.

"I have not betrayed Julia," he said […].

He had not stopped loving her; his feeling toward her had remained the same (3.3.77-81, O’Brien to Winston)

Despite prolonged torture, Winston’s final act of rebellion is to hold onto his private loyalty to Julia; he refuses to betray her.