Odds of Getting In
55m time: over 1 minute, High Jump: 2 feet, Javelin: 20 feet
Apparently, you are actually a potato, likely of the couch realm. Have you been outside? That blazing thing in the sky is the sun. Don't look directly at it.
55m time: 20 seconds, High Jump: 4 feet, Javelin: 50 feet
Good news: You're kind of sporty. You don't get to the finish line first, but you get there eventually. You can throw a pointy stick far enough that you're not embarrassed, and your standing jump doesn't make people weep at the sight of you.
Men: 55m time: 10 seconds, High Jump: 5 feet, Javelin: 100 feet, Women 55m time: 11 seconds, High Jump: 4'5", Javelin: 80 feet
Not bad. With scores like those, you might make a team in college, but scholarships are out of the question. You're in pretty good shape, though. So enjoy that.
Men: 55m time: 6.9 seconds, High Jump: 6 feet, Javelin: 150 feet, Women: 55m time: 7.8 seconds, High Jump: 5'1", Javelin: 100 feet
Welcome to scholarship territory. Looks pretty great here, right? Well, don't get too comfy, since this is what you need for a Div-II or -III school. Yes, you have to throw a javelin a third to half the length of a football field just to get considered. On the bright side, football players will be terrified of you.
Men: 55m time: 6.4 seconds, High Jump: 7 feet, Javelin: 210 feet, Women: 55m time: 7.1 seconds, High Jump: 5'10", Javelin: 140 feet
Assuming no one brings any kryptonite around you, you're home free. Because you're Superman. You know those glasses aren't fooling anyone, right? If you happen to have these truly insane scores get ready to hang with the elite.