Organ and Tissue Donation: Do It

Organ and Tissue Donation: Do It


After reading this section, you'll know exactly where to go to drop off your used church instruments and discarded Kleenex.

Sike. In this instance, we're actually referring to all of your interior bits and pieces that could be used to save someone else's life in the event that something unpleasant happens to you, Will Smith style. Not "I'm going to Miami," silly. Seven Pounds. You know, that movie about organ and tissue donation?

We know this is a gruesome subject, but you really should consider signing up to donate. There are always individuals in need, and how cool would it be to save a life from beyond the grave?

When you're applying for or renewing your license, simply check the little box that says, "Yes, please rip out my heart and put it into someone else's body in the event that my body has no use for it anymore." Your name will then be placed on the Alabama Donor Registry. You can give money as well, which should collect even more interest than your pancreas.

If you're under the age of 18, you should discuss donation with your parents or guardians first, as your organs are still pretty immature and likely to act out.