
Average Salary: $65,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $2,713,620

On average, coroners make $65,000 a year.

Except if you work in Washington, D.C., where you'll make around $84,000.

Holy potato pancakes, that's $19,000 more. Why do coroners make so much more in our nation's capital than anywhere else?

Mmmm, maybe it's because they know which closets all the skeletons are hidden in.

Then there's the opposite side of the spectrum. You've got part-time coroners like Tim Brown, construction manager/coroner for Marlborough County, South Carolina, who only makes $14,000 a year. Let's hope things are more lucrative in the construction biz for him.

Considering coroners are elected officials, you'll get full health benefits, a 401K, and a government pension when you retire. And of course, there are great death benefits for your next of kin.