
Average Salary: $40,970

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,710,416

The sailing life isn't all about big money, but that doesn't mean you'll have to batten down the hatches on your wallet. With an average salary of $40,970, you can certainly earn a decent living out on the water (source). And as with most jobs, the longer you stick with it, the higher the rank you'll attain, and that means more clams you'll get to take home.

You're also likely to earn a better wage right off the bat if you've taken the necessary steps to make yourself a worthy addition to the crew. This means attending a maritime academy and locking down those sailor skills before coming aboard. 

You'd also be wise to get your Merchant Mariner Credential, a credential issued by the U.S. Coast Guard that proves your qualifications as a mariner (source). Of course, the better wage you'd earn with the MMC might seem smaller due to the student loans you'll have to pay back. Welcome to the real world, sailor.