
Average Salary: $28,377

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,184,683

Yes, we agree you'd look pretty awesome driving to the daycare in your Maserati...but that doesn't mean you can buy one. No, the hourly wage pre-K teachers make is pretty low. Many daycares pay nine to ten dollars an hour, which is only slightly better than minimum wage. If you have a pre-K associate's degree (two years of school) or a bachelor's degree (four years), you might expect to earn twelve dollars an hour, depending on where you live (source).

So, for now, that Prada you want is nada—not happening. Finding a well-paying job with only a high school diploma is very challenging, but being happy with what you do for a living is important. Think about it. Aren't there some things no amount of money could make you do? Alligator arm-wrestling, for example? Finding what works for you is key, even if it might mean working for less money.

If you decide to go to college for a two- or four-year education degree, having experience working in a daycare or preschool will give you a leg up on the competition. However, if you decide against college for now (it's always an option later), then daycare work can be very rewarding. 

It will definitely prepare you for having your own kids down the road. Plus, once you have kids and work in a daycare, every day is "Take Your Child to Work Day." You get to have them close to you all day—and the employee discounts? They aren't too shabby.