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U.S. History 1877-Present 7: U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1920s 116 Views
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Turns out the U.S. was kind of a player in the 1920s, and you know what happens to players? They end up pretty depressed.
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Thank you Some say that harding and coolidge where major
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isolationist like they popped a blindfold on a pair of
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noise canceling headphones on america just of the nation didn't
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have to deal with all the annoying things going on
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in the rest of the world and this is kind
Full Transcript
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of true After world war one americans were definitely sick
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of conflict sick of europe and sick of the continual
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turmoil and tensions between nations that people wanted to things
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to never have to fight another foreign war and to
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stay out of foreign entanglements all together in a lot
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of ways harding coolidge delivered what the people ordered they
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could have had second careers as pizza guys The thing
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is though that just because american foreign policy was generally
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isolationist that doesn't mean that the u s was totally
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isolated Sure we didn't want to get wrangled in any
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political alliances since those kind of alliances are what made
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world war one so massive but still industry was booming
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and booming industries need markets no sell their stuff too
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even america's stuff hungry consumer population couldn't consume everything the
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factories here we're making our industries needed to sell stuff
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To foreigners or else risk the horrors of not expanding
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their business But this is where the whole political isolationism
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thing gets stickier than the floor of a cheap movie
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theater Country can work hard to avoid creating political alliances
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with other nations and then have it all fall apart
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when trade agreements become necessary These kind of agreements come
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with promises There are promises about the volume of goods
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that will be sold to the other nation How much
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will be thought and how much everybody's going to charge
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for all this stuff And when promises air made that
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means that a relationship has formed So even though america
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was a total commitment phobe back in the twenties we
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were still going steady with plenty of other countries It's
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true america was you know player Yeah cool But eventually
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all this playing around ended up coming back to bite
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us Us tried to skew all these economic alliance is
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too much in its favour In the twenties the deck
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was seriously stacked We basically exported all over the world
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without doing much importing from other countries Eventually foreign trading
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partners got sick of lopsided deals and retaliated All of
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which helped to make the great depression even more depressing
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like half of america eating shoes for dinner wasn't depressing
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