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TSI Math: Simplifying an Expression through Factoring 2 Views
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What is the simplest form of the expression
- Test Prep / TSI
- TSI / TSI Math
- TSI / TSI Mathematics
- Intermediate Algebra and Functions / Rational and Exponential Expressions, Equations, and Functions
- Intermediate Algebra and Functions / Rational and Exponential Expressions, Equations, and Functions
- TSI Mathematics / Intermediate Algebra and Functions
- Test Prep / TSI
- TSI Math / Intermediate Algebra and Functions
- 00:03
R c mass members got another one coming right at
- 00:06
you What is the simplest form of the expression in
- 00:10
this thing Forty five x plus fifty for over thirty
- 00:13
six Whenever it's time to simplify the best way after
- 00:20
consulting henry david thoreau is to start by canceling factors
Full Transcript
- 00:24
common to the numerator And the denominator since nine is
- 00:28
a factor of thirty six Well it can be factored
- 00:31
from both terms in the numerator and then canceled from
- 00:34
the fraction show it no mercy All right we're going
- 00:37
factory doubts We got nine times quantity five x plus
- 00:40
six and that just reduces down toe five Acts plus
- 00:43
60 we got 30 six goes away down for when
- 00:47
we take nine out of it Alright well given expression
- 00:49
that is equivalent to five explosives over four and that's
- 00:52
it that's all there is to it it's As simple
- 00:54
as it gets Henry david thoreau would be proud and
- 00:57
living in the woods eating tree bark er something like 00:01:00.356 --> [endTime] all right we're done andrews d
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