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The Outsiders: The Setting 612 Views
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Thank you We sneak in Oh the outsiders The setting
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Alas What is it about the setting that makes this
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book so relevant to people today So the nineteen sixties
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in america were a time of huge social upheaval with
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the civil rights movement and the war Lots of people
Full Transcript
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understanding their country and their government in new ways And
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even though we don't see that directly in this small
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town in oklahoma we do definitely see a group of
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teenagers who are rebelling against what's expected of them but
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also just trying to figure out who they are Andi
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that's pretty consistently true throughout history and it's Still true
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now that in times of huge political turmoil in times
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of social upheaval you're always going to have people trying
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to understand how to be part of their society So
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in that sense today's teenagers are not at all different
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from pony boy and his friends Does the book delve
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into any of the political turmoil happening during this period
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So yeah there are definitely oblique mentions i think to
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what's going on in the country at the time A
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book about violence in the nineteen sixties is obviously referencing
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both a war abroad and struggle between violent civil rights
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movement and the philosophy of nonviolence at home So those
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are things that are very much in american minds that
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moment and likewise these characters have to choose like are
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they going to be violent Are they not going to
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be violent Are they going to be violent because it
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achieves a goal but still have personal reservations about it
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Those questions are definite really there and the question of
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how am i going to participate in this group in
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pony boy's case how am i going to participate in
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this gang is always one that could be extrapolated toe
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other questions How am i going to participate in my
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community in my family in my nation in my world
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so yeah pony boys questions really do touch on a
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lot of social issues of that day What is it
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about the setting that makes this book so relevant to
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people today Does the book delve into any of the 00:02:32.925 --> [endTime] political turmoil happening during this period Yeah
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