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History of Technology Videos
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How did people move stuff around before the wheel was invented? More importantly, why didn't they take a break for a few minutes from moving stuff...
When you're counting the chunks of coal in your stocking on Christmas morning, do you ever wonder where it came from? No? Okay,'s this at...
Changes in transportation technologies have had a major effect on globalization throughout human history. It's time for a whirlwind tour, so...get...
What tools did prehistoric humans use to get things done? Yes, we're talking about even before Windows Vista.
When it comes to the history of human technology, it helps to look at the big picture. Especially if you have cataracts, and looking at the small p...
Here comes the sun, doo doo doo doo… Seriously, it gives us energy so we don’t die. We’re hoping it keeps on coming.
The improvement of aircraft during World War II permanently changed the nature of modern warfare. We do kind of wish we still painted cool sharks o...
Energy is pretty neat-o. It’s basically responsible for everything from the formation of the universe to the existence of cat videos.
Back in our day, we had to walk all the way across the continent uphill in the snow, both ways.
We wonder what the next period of human technological history will be… we’re hoping it will include cyborgs and teleportation.
Without energy, none of us would be alive today… and we’re not talking about the kind of energy you get from a can or a double shot of espresso.
Mmm, burning coal… smells like the slow, toasty-warm destruction of the environment.
Windmills: they're good for more than just tricky miniature golf holes.
Transportation technology has evolved faster than you can say, "transportation technology sure has evolved!" ...Okay, not literally, obviously you...
The Industrial Revolution was a monster. Seriously, we hear it's still terrorizing parts of Tokyo.
Waterwheels are crafty little thieves. Why? They stole a twenty out of our wallet once. Oh, and they also steal kinetic energy to do some useful th...
The internal combustion engine and Automobile Era were resonsible for numerous things, chief among them, the invention of the Chizza. Don't know wh...
What's the deal with wind? And why does it have to be so...windy?