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SAT Writing and Language Drill 2.6 Sentence Structure 6 Views
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Took? Had taken? Would have taken? Would take? Some make options, so little time. Watch this SAT Writing video to find out which one is best to use in this presidential passage.
- 00:02
All right shmoop er's Next question Six of eleven in
- 00:04
the george washington saga So we're ah the word took
- 00:09
which is way down here in this paragraph right here
- 00:12
You want some kind of writing something metabolic me because
- 00:14
it's like that for several rejections happen because nobody's going
Full Transcript
- 00:16
to get anywhere Washington took his oath in view of
- 00:18
thousands Okay so took what do you think about took
- 00:24
Seems like a weird phrase and it's a weird word
- 00:27
so washington doesn't take his oath until later in the
- 00:31
essay right We've got a timing thing took is in
- 00:34
the past tense so that not sound strange that there's
- 00:37
no time machine in seventeen ninety whatever this is yeah
- 00:40
So even though the story is in the past tense
- 00:42
taking the o still hasn't happened yet So the best
- 00:45
choice here is the conditional would or would take which
- 00:49
we can use here to refer to a future event
- 00:52
from the perspective of the past like it hasn't happened
- 00:55
yet There's not one in a million ons he never
- 00:57
takes the oath so he would take it if he
- 01:00
could take it right We'll using the past tense like
- 01:03
took in this paragraph jumps the action too far ahead
- 01:05
in the story Yes no time travel the construction would
- 01:08
have taken suggest something that could have happened in the
- 01:11
past but didn't and that doesn't work here because we
- 01:14
know that the oath taking did indeed happen All right
- 01:16
The next choice to be had taken all right and
- 01:19
that suggests that the oath taking happened before we began
- 01:22
telling the story which is impossible without you know presidential
- 01:25
teleportation So no time machines back then And sadly no
- 01:29
time machines today because we'd love to see how dinosaurs
- 01:31
were different issue Okay moving on that's it it z
- 01:36
there would take by
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