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SAT Writing and Language Drill 2.1 Conventions of Punctuation 19 Views
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George Washington helps us understand commas and adjectives in this fun SAT Writing video.
- 00:01
Okay shmoop furs We have a new essay writing section
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here We're starting over one to eleven questions and veterans
- 00:10
dying to get into the reading So here we go
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So i wasn't waiting for coach Not early morning on
- 00:14
the other hand is gonna go through this was looking
Full Transcript
- 00:15
for a way to see george washington seventy nine but
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we were looking to underline words They're white comet sale
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vessel that we're looking at me with big carriage which
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he only come for which we have this document until
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you're after final greeting adams and leaving about the scrapping
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every good dad dinner regardless he concert well that's kind
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of it So we've skimmed and now we're just going
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to go specifically look for these little underlining things and
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that's our first question One of eleven here white comma
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silk why would you have a comma between the adjective
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and the noun there that just looks strange but common
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doesn't need to be between white and sell because well
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they're acting as cumulative adjectives that is they work together
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to modify the noun stockings You could also think of
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it like this the noun is silk stockings and white
- 00:58
Modifies it So when there are two adjectives in a
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row that aren't cumulative they're called co ordinate They coordinate
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and then they need a comma and example is happy
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big elephants and that's not a political statement to test
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of adjectives air co ordinate while you just rearrange them
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and put and between them sets are very clever from
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up trick You get for no extra money here if
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the phrase still make sense their coordinates If not they're
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probably cumulative right it's a coordinate the cumulative the smackdown
- 01:27
in the octagon putting an and between white and silk
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makes a sentence potentially really confusing and just sounds odd
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Is washington clearing two pair of stockings one white and
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one silk has become a cool and ridiculous at the
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same time Well it also means they're not coordinate so
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they shouldn't be separated by any kind of punctuation Either
- 01:46
a common or a semi colon is needed here so
- 01:48
the answer is c they're white silk that's it we're 00:01:51.746 --> [endTime] done
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