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Principles of Finance: Unit 3, Cash Flow From Investing Activities 14 Views
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What are cash flows from investing activities? And we're talking about investing in your own company here. Not putting $2 on Runs With a Limp to Place.
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Principles of finance Ah la shmoop cash flow from investing
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activities All right Remember that investing in this sense means
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investing in one's own company right back to the filings
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with the first lines A great example Purchases of tools
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die and molds different kind of die there Totally spot
Full Transcript
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on for doll making companies Yeah It's pretty obvious that
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while they need these things and that they should own
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them since this is pretty much their core business Well
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the company burned sixty nine million dollars buying them in
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this period and they will likely not last forever So
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you'd look for the company to depreciate their value over
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some logical period of time All right Well the next
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lines forty two million dollars for other property plant equipment
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Well wonder what that could be Plastic hair A barbie
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mobile testing facility Maybe barbie blue to write Maybe not
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Well whatever the case they burned forty two million bucks
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buying other peopie any in this reporting period So then
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we see thirty three million dollars has payments for acquisitions
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Well that's Interesting Wonder what company they bought and note
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that this is listed in investing category not the financing
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Category Why Well because they're buying things directly for the
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operations of the company It was an acquisition of an
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operating thing not an acquisition of something solely for the
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financial management of the company like the acquisition of the
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company's own stock because while they thought their stock was
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cheap all right well the next lines a gain of
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sixteen million dollars from foreign currency Edging the dollar was
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relatively strong against the brexit ing europe and an imploding
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latin america and a dying middle east under cheap oil
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panes well earned So they made a cash game of
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sixty million dollars from whoever bet along the u s
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dollar in january of two thousand sixteen was their gains
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on foreign currency trades That's not normally the domain of
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a plastic doll making company but they have to note
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it when they get lucky And yeah good job Give
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that gala freak All right ignore other again and you
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get to net cash flows used for investing activities as
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another big fat loss of one hundred twenty four million
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bucks Ouch When will the bleeding stop and it's worth
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noting here that they burned two hundred forty million dollars
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From operations and just burned another one hundred twenty four
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million from investing All right well in total thus far
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in the first six months here of two thousand sixteen
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mattel has burned three hundred sixty four million dollars The
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titanic appears to be sinking We can hear a celine 00:02:33.358 --> [endTime] dion right now
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