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Inequalities 26813 Views
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Meet the Shmooples. They live on Planet Frisbee, where there is a lot of inequality. Of the arm and Starburst variety, mostly.
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Inequalities, a la Shmoop. Welcome to Planet Frisbee, which happens to
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be home to the Shmooples. They're a fun loving bunch...
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...always bouncing around town... ... feasting on Starbursts.
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Not the Starbursts you know and love. These Starbursts are a delicacy from some...other
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planet. The Shmooples have a strict hierarchy.
Full Transcript
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The more arms a Shmoople has, the better he is.
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So, on Planet Frisbee, having 4 arms is greater than having 3 arms.
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And having 20 arms is much greater than having 4 arms.
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Mathematically, it would look something like: "20 arms is greater than 4 arms is greater
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than 3 arms" Right when you think you've got a handle on
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the variables, on the equations, on algebra in general...
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... they go and do something to confuse you. They throw an inequality into the mix.
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Don't worry; we've got you covered. Imagine that instead of talking about arms...
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...we're talking about Starbursts. It's a well-known fact that Shmooples would
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rather eat 20 Starbursts than 4 of them. Pretty much the same story with our Earthly
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Starbursts. So the inequality "mouth" is open towards
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the number 20. Here we would say:
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"4 starbursts is less than 20 starbursts." May not be proper English, but we're in Mathland
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now, so... sue us. Oh, and one more thing. The whole thing can
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be flipped around and still be correct. We can do the same with "number of arms."
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Or we can just use numbers. Although we don't necessarily agree with classifying
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Shmoople by arm number... ... we do agree with their belief that the
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red Starbursts are greater than all other colors.
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Some things simply transcend culture.
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You don't want to leave a bunch of unsolved rational equations sitting around.
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