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Finance: What is a Fiscal Year v. Calendar Year? 28 Views
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What is Fiscal Year v. Calendar Year? A fiscal year is any 12-month period that a company elects to use for tax purposes. It can be any 12 months in a row except of course 12 months that end with December because that would be a traditional calendar year. They may do this because their start of business doesn’t align with the calendar year, or for a number of reasons, in which case tax day for them wouldn’t be April 15th, it would be the 15th day of the fourth month of their fiscal year.
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Terms and Concepts / Accounting
- Terms and Concepts / Investing
- Terms and Concepts / Metrics
- Terms and Concepts / Regulations
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- 00:00
Finance allah shmoop what is a fiscal year versus a
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calendar year Well let's start with the latter calendar year
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that's this thing It starts january one with a hangover
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and ends at midnight December thirty one with a big
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fat ball dropping in new york No this thing different
Full Transcript
- 00:21
ball paul's Never All right So that's a calendar year
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and okay so what is a fiscal year And how
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is it different from a calendar year Well it isn't
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always different Actually a fiscal year just refers to the
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one year period in which companies track and report their
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financial story Some companies report from january one to december
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thirty one right like their fiscal year maps on top
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of the calendar year But in some cases this reporting
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system was misleading or problematic for investors Why All right
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Well let's take macy's please They used to be somebody
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Somebody They had parades and white flower day sales and
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people used to actually go to their stores So macy's
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did some huge percentage of its sales for the year
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right around christmas And before you know computers were really
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a thing it often took weeks or months toe fairly
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And accurately add everything up so macy's among others decided
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to change their fiscal year They were powerful back then
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so you know they could do things like that So
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they moved their year to run from july one until
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june thirty that is that became their fiscal year it's
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still a year still three hundred sixty five days still
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everything the same With the exception of the start and
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end points this way When things were relatively quiet at
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the end of june the macy's bean counters could properly
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count their year end beans in relative peace and harmony
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Having caught up from the day luge of frenzied christmas
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sales it gets even more complex in that some companies
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wanted to be fully off kilter for any comparable calendar
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years Oracle the database company for example is one of
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them Savvy buyers of databases would wait until just before
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the quarter ended for oracle hoping to negotiate better rates
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in renting their database needs It was dangerous for a
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company to miss its quarter with so much competition in
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silicon valley from startups to steal those precious engineers from
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big companies and put him into running a startups You
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know big companies and they paid in cash and modest
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stock options You can't really get rich these days working
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at oracle if oracle ever missed a quarter while it
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would hemorrhage engineers to the venture capital people hovering in
- 02:40
the hallways so oracle moved its fiscal ofthe month I'ii
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february may august november kind of vibe so that wouldn't
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be quite as held hostage by those savvy database renters
- 02:53
hoping for a macy style midnight white flower day sale
- 02:57
Now that's something worthy of a parade There's a database 00:03:00.715 --> [endTime] parade
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