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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Parts of Speech 2 54 Views
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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Parts of Speech Question 2. How is the conjunction being used in this sentence?
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by shopping one of
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the best ways to get new stuff yeah it's a bit more expensive than finding stuff [Man holding a jacket in a store]
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at the dump but you don't have to apply this random creeping seagulls those guys [Man holding jeans and seagull attacks them]
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are tough okay here's today's question how is the
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conjunction being used in this sentence you go to the grocery store and I'll go
Full Transcript
- 00:25
to the hardware store and here are potential answers aren't connecting yep
- 00:30
all right if you go to the grocery store and we go to the hardware store you [Man holding grocery bag]
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better pick us up a donut or 12 as far as the actual question goes and we'll
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give you a hint the best way to figure out how the conjunction is being used is
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to figure out what it's acting on clauses phrases a stage on the Great
- 00:47
White Way yeah we hear conjunction is going to be [Conjunction woman holding a dog]
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starring in a revival of Annie soon all right so let's take a second look at the
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sentence and see if we can figure out what that conjunction and is acting on
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if we look at everything that comes before and we noticed that if it wanted
- 01:03
to it could strike out on its own and stand is a full sentence that means it's
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an independent clause like Santa you know when he goes to Vegas with his [Santa with elves in Vegas]
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growth alright and if we look at everything that follows and we see
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something similar yet another bit of text that could be its own full sentence [Man waiting at a bus stop]
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another independent clause well maybe this one will have better luck end up
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watching even though either these independent
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clauses could have happy fulfilling lives all on their own
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they're actually connected by a conjunction so our answer is a and hey
- 01:35
that wasn't too bad certainly easier than wrestling a necklace away from a [Seagull flying over pile of trash]
- 01:38
seagull and it was tough little birds [Man chasing seagull]
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