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AP English Literature: What Do You Mean "Old Fashioned"? 9 Views
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The phrase "old-fashioned eyes" (line 11) is best interpreted to mean that the robbers
- 00:00
No Okay just few more here for you AP ng
- 00:06
lit people Big fat poem which kind of cruise through
- 00:11
it here and looking and just kind of winking at
- 00:13
it First question the phrase old fashioned eyes Online eleven
- 00:19
is best interpreted to mean that the robbers what they
Full Transcript
- 00:23
do old fashion eyes are to go to eleven Here
- 00:27
get in the particle of me to make sure all's
- 00:30
asleep Old fashioned I's not easy to surprise Clever rhyming
- 00:35
there Well the key here is the following line Not
- 00:43
easy to surprise This line suggests the robbers were good
- 00:47
at their robbing which provides clarity for the phrase old
- 00:50
fashioned you know like a donut Unlike iPhones eyes don't
- 00:55
get up states or new software every year so they
- 00:58
can't literally be old fashioned They can however the experienced
- 01:02
when it comes to you know people Especially when they're
- 01:05
owned by a guy named Tom Okay well the correct
- 01:07
answer Yeah it's d They're experienced criminals Old eyes Yeah
- 01:12
Alright Loser bowl here Well because one of the criminals
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is not easy to surprise It's doubtful that he needs
- 01:18
corrective lenses Gotta love that Get to be on the
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speaker mentions that one handles the tools but apart from
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that no mention is made of their methods So get
- 01:27
rid of C or technology Get rid of a like
- 01:30
James Bond ripping off the place for his eyes to
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be old fashioned while the robber would have to have
- 01:36
been in the robbing game for a while not simply
- 01:38
be imitating his mentor So get rid of E and
- 01:42
that's it The answer is D is in D'Oh
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