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ACT English 1.2 Grammar and Usage 587 Views
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ACT English: Grammar and Usage Drill 1, Problem 2. Does the underlined word match the subject and tense?
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Here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by subject verb agreement. Sometimes it doesn't
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have to take years of therapy to come to a mutual understanding.
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What should replace the underlined word below?
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He doesn't know if the book or the pen is in the drawer.
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The clue here is the conjunction "or," which signals that the subject of the sentence is
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one thing, "the book," or the other, "the pen," but not both.
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This makes the subject technically singular even though we're talking about two things.
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We're not talking about some fancy pen-book combo deal that can be read and written with
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Since the subject is singular, we know we're looking for a singular verb to go along with it.
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Therefore, we can cross (B) off the list, since "are" is about as plural as it gets.
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(D) is a no-go for the same reason. "Were" is plural and just doesn't fit here.
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Choice (C) get a little closer, since "was" is singular. However, it still doesn't totally
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work because it has some tense issues.
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"He doesn't know" is in the present tense, so the verb we're looking for has to be present
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tense as well.
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"Was" is in the past tense, so it unfortunately doesn't fit the bill.
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This brings us back to choice (A). The original "is" is singular and present tense, suiting our every need.
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Now, what we really want to know is why this guy doesn't just open the drawer to find out
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what's in it.
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Is it really worth sitting around and mulling over?
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