TEKS: Chapter 112. Science See All Teacher Resources


(2) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses scientific practices during laboratory and outdoor descriptive, correlational, and experimental investigations. The student is expected to:

  • (A) describe, plan, and implement simple experimental investigations testing one variable;
  • (B) ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology; 
  • (C) collect and record information using detailed observations and accurate measuring; 
  • (D) analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct
    (observable) evidence; 
  • (E) demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results; 
  • (F) communicate valid conclusions in both written and verbal forms; and 
  • (G) construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts using technology, including computers, to organize, examine, and evaluate information.