TEKS: Chapter 110. English Language Arts and Reading See All Teacher Resources


(24) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:

  • (A) follow the research plan to collect information from multiple sources of information both oral and written, including:
    • (i) student-initiated surveys, on-site inspections, and interviews;
    • (ii) data from experts, reference texts, and online searches; and
    • (iii) visual sources of information (e.g., maps, timelines, graphs) where appropriate;
  • (B) use skimming and scanning techniques to identify data by looking at text features (e.g., bold print, italics);
  • (C) take simple notes and sort evidence into provided categories or an organizer;
  • (D) identify the author, title, publisher, and publication year of sources; and
  • (E) differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism and identify the importance of citing valid and reliable sources.