Year of Wonders Chapter 13 Quotes

Year of Wonders Chapter 13 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

I do not believe in witchcraft nor spells, neither in incubus nor succubus nor familiar spirits. But I do believe in evil thoughts—and in madness. (2.13.82)

Anna's stepmother, Aphra, is responsible for the spread of pagan mysticism throughout Eyam. Anna might not give much credence to the actual belief system, but she rightfully sees it as an irrational expression of fear and pain in the face of unthinkable circumstances.

"You think I can't see through you? You're not my stepdaughter now. Oh, no. You're too fine for the like o' me. You're her creature." (2.13.73)

Despite Anna's soul-searching, Aphra is never able to forgive her. Interestingly, this passage suggests that she's angry with Anna because she chose a different family—the Mompellions—over her own. Does that idea change your perception of Aphra?

Quote 3

"I wonder if you know how you have changed. It is the one good, perhaps, to come out of this terrible year." (2.13.15)

Elinor is proud of how much Anna has grown as a woman over the Year of the Plague. She's gone from a nervous widow to a self-possessed leader. Quite the shift. Although she might wish that this had happened in a less traumatic way, she's grateful for her new lease on life.