


Character Role Analysis

The Wizard of Oz

The foil is someone who challenges the hero, and maybe even makes her scared for her life, but who ultimately proves to be a pretty good pal at the end of things. Enter everyone's favorite good-natured con man. The Wizard starts out as one of the scariest guys in the world, even worse than the Wicked Witch. All the better to push the hero in directions she might never have considered otherwise. (Nothing like pants-wetting fear to send you after a wicked witch's broomstick.)

Once she gets wise to his little reindeer games, he shifts gears and becomes very helpful indeed. (Okay, somewhat helpful: that whole balloon thing kind of went sideways.) The goodies get doled out, handshakes are exchanged all around, and the Wizard is even willing to give up his creature comforts to help Dorothy out. He doesn't get sidekick status because he was a big jerk early on, but considering how his jerkiness serves a greater purpose, it seems like "foil" makes a perfect fit.