Prudence Cruff Timeline and Summary


Prudence Cruff Timeline and Summary

  • Prudence loses her doll in the river while on the Dolphin.
  • Kit retrieves Prudence’s doll.
  • Goodwife Cruff blocks Kit’s attempts to befriend Prudence.
  • Prudence and her mother, Goodwife Cruff, arrive in Wethersfield.
  • Kit sees Prudence at the door of the schoolroom and invites her to the meadows to learn to read.
  • Kit and Prudence have lessons under the Willow tree with Kit’s silver hornbook.
  • Kit introduces Prudence and Hannah.
  • Prudence tells Kit that she knows Nat.
  • Kit brings Prudence a copybook, quill pen, and bottle of ink. She teaches her to write her name.
  • Nat brings Prudence to Kit’s trial.
  • Prudence copies her name and reads from the Bible, saving Kit from charges of witchcraft.
  • Goodman Cruff approves of his daughter’s reading skills.