Wings Chapter 16 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Chelsea asks Laurel to come see a historic landmark, Battery Point Lighthouse, the next day.
  • Before leaving, Laurel has a brief chat with her mom about her grades, which are pretty decent, and Laurel also finds out that her dad is home for the day, sick, which almost never happens.
  • While they're hanging out at the lighthouse, Chelsea tells Laurel that she's always had a crush on David. But he never seemed to return her feelings.
  • Now, though, Chelsea just wants to see him be happy, so she's happy that Laurel and David are becoming closer (though not technically girlfriend/boyfriend yet).
  • When Laurel gets home, her mom asks if Laurel can fend for herself for dinner, since she needs to keep tending to Laurel's dad. None of the usual herbal cures are working, which is strange.