Windigo The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

You dug your hands into my pale, melting fur (15)

It's probably safe to say that this is not a really, really hairy human speaking. This line is a major clue that the Windigo is some sort of otherworldly, or supernatural being.

Quote #2

I stole you off, a huge thing in my bristling armor (16)

Another reference to this beast-like, supernatural quality of the Windigo: its fur now described as "bristling." Again, this bestial imagery seems to depict a creature that is neither human nor animal, and oddly familiar but distinctly foreign.

Quote #3

Steam rolled from my wintry arms, each leaf shivered
from the bushes we passed
until they stood, naked, spread like the cleaned spines of fish. (17-19)

The Windigo, as we've discussed in our "Symbols, Imagery, and Wordplay" section, has the totally creepy, supernatural quality that death follows wherever it goes. Cannibalism seems like a better line of work for the Windigo, you know, after its stint working at a Home & Garden store didn't go well.