Where Is My Mind? Albums

Come On Pilgrim (1987)

This is the band's first release, created from the songs on a demo known as The Purple Tape.

Surfer Rosa (1988)

Here it is: the landmark rock album that "Where is My Mind?" was first released on.

Doolittle (1989)

Here's another classic Pixies album. Many fans and critics debate whether this or Surfer Rosa is the best Pixies record.

Bossanova (1990)

The Pixies tread a slightly different territory in this album full of surf rock riffs and references to outer space. That isn't to say that the rock, snarls, and punk influences aren't still readily apparent, but this is a Pixies album distinct from its predecessors.

Trompe le Monde (1991)

French for "Fool the World," the last Pixies album featuring all new material wasn't all that sneaky about hinting at the band's imminent break-up; Black nearly takes over the album's musical direction entirely while Kim Deal's presence is barely felt.