War Horse Chapter 1 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 1 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"Don't speak like that about your father, Albert. He's been through a lot. It's not right." (1.12)

Albert's mother puts a lot emphasis on family right from the get-go. She thinks that the fact that he's Albert's father trumps any of the drunken shenanigans he often pulls. How does Albert feel about this? Let's just say he doesn't agree.

Quote 2

I struggled until I was weak, kicking out violently every time I felt them relax. (1.3)

Joey shows early on that he will bravely fight his enemies, even if the struggle is futile.

Quote 3

He smoothed my back first and then my neck, talking all the while about [...] how I would grow up to be the smartest horse in the whole wide world" (1.13)

Albert admires Joey immediately, like love at first sight. Maybe it's because Albert sees a lot of himself in Joey—young but feisty, a lot of potential, and you know, really wants to kick his father in the shins.