Madeleine Elster (Kim Novak)’s Timeline and Summary

Madeleine Elster (Kim Novak)’s Timeline and Summary

The Fake Version

  • First appears in Ernie's restaurant with Gavin Elster.
  • Wanders all over San Francisco with Scottie trailing her, visiting museums and graveyards.
  • Jumps into San Francisco Bay in an apparent suicide attempt and is rescued by Scottie.
  • Recovers in Scottie's apartment, where she charms him with her looks and clever conversation.
  • Flees before he can get her digits or make any plans.
  • Shows up the next day with a thank-you note and another great outfit.
  • Agrees to go on a drive with Scottie.
  • Accompanies Scottie to the California Redwoods, then the coast, where she tries again to jump into the water and is again rescued by the detective, who's now head-over-heels in love with her.
  • Pays Scottie a late-night visit back in San Francisco, telling him she's remembered details from a dream. Her description leads him to the Mission at San Juan Bautista.
  • Goes to the Mission with Scottie, where they exchange a passionate kiss.
  • Claims it's too late for their love to work out, then jumps off the top of the Mission's bell-tower before Scottie can save her.

The Real Version

  • Marries Gavin Elster at some point in her life.
  • He murders her.