Risa Megan Ward Timeline & Summary


Risa Megan Ward Timeline & Summary

  • Risa is on a bus to a harvest camp when it crashes and she escapes into the woods.
  • She teams up with two boys—Connor and Lev—and goes AWOL.
  • When Connor takes a baby off the doorstep, Risa pretends to be its mother.
  • She has to give up the baby after arriving at an antique shop whose owner will ship them in a crate to safety. The baby finds a good home, but Risa is a little sad to see it go.
  • The crates take them to the Graveyard, where Risa discovers that she can't play piano there—her passion—but that she's a very good medic.
  • She's tending to the Admiral when a rebellion goes through the Graveyard and sets his plane on fire.
  • With Connor and Roland, they get the Admiral to safety, but Roland turns them in, and they all end up at a Harvest Camp.
  • There, Risa can play piano, which is nice except for the whole impending death part.
  • After Lev's buddies blow the place up, Lev drags Risa to safety.
  • Her spine is injured so she can't walk, which gets her out of being unwound.
  • She returns with Connor to the Graveyard, where she sits in her wheelchair and plays piano. She has hope for the future.