Ulysses Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Ulysses? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In what other book did Stephen Dedalus appear?

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Finnegan’s Wake
The Odyssey
He Gets Around: The Stephen Dedalus Story
Q. What does Stephen say is “a nightmare from which [he is] trying to awake?”

The one where he keeps falling down a flight of stairs
Q. What word does Bloom discuss the meaning of with his wife?

Q. How did Bloom’s father die?

Already having a migraine headache, he tried reading Ulysses
He committed suicide
He fell from a ladder
He was bitten by a poisonous spider
Q. What unfounded rumor is circulating about Bloom?

That he and his wife are getting a divorce
That he is a freemason
That he tried to commit suicide
That he got inebriated one night and got a pink bunny rabbit tattooed onto his left buttock