Tuesdays With Morrie Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Tuesdays With Morrie? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Morrie believes that the key to living fully is ____

understanding death.
being nice to the people around you.
travelling all around the world.
being happy with what you have.
Q. When Morrie is young he makes the choice to ____

never to work in manual labor.
work at Brandeis University.
move away from New York forever.
have a book written about him.
Q. Morrie believes what is responsible for most people mixing up their principles?

Our families
Our jobs
Q. Morrie shows compassion through reaching out to people and talking with them. Mitch shows compassion through ____

his actions.
his job.
his words.
nothing, because he's a meanie.
Q. When Morrie is diagnosed with ALS he decides to make his death his last learning experience. He calls himself a ____

life coach.
human textbook.
professor of death.
teacher of himself.