The Yearling Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"It occurred to him for the first time that perhaps he should not have left the place while his father was away" (1.23)

Ugh, chores, right? Taking out the trash, cleaning your room, hoeing the fields… who wants to, when there are creeks to frolic in? In the beginning, it's not even on Jody's radar that he has any real responsibilities: everything is laid upon him by his parents, not by his own sense of duty.

Quote #2

"His mother talked much of 'duty.' He had always hated the very word" (14.42)

Fair enough, but we get the feeling that Jody wouldn't like the word "pizza" if his mother talked about it a lot, either.

Quote #3

"In his agony, his father was concerned for him" (14.161)

Jody might hate the word "duty," but it doesn't seem to have occurred to him that "duty" goes both ways. Penny's duty is to take care of and look after Jody, just like Ma's—and Ma might not be warm and cuddly, but she does nourish and care for Jody as best as she can.