The Two Towers Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Two Towers.

Quote #1

FRODO: What food have we got left?

SAM: Let me see. Oh, yes, lovely—lembas bread. And look, more lembas bread. [Taking a bite of the bread.] I don't usually hold with foreign food but this Elvish stuff, it's not bad.

FRODO: Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, Sam?

How do you keep going in a barren, rocky place like Emyn Muil when you're lost and have had nothing to eat but dry bread for days or weeks? It's all about attitude. It's hard to dampen Sam's spirits. He can always find some good in their situation, even when their journey is at its bleakest.

Quote #2

ÉOMER: Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands.

Don't blame Éomer; he has a reason to abandon all optimism. After being thrown from Edoras by Wormtongue, he's roaming the land, taking out his anger on the orcs. But if there's one thing that The Two Towers has to teach us, it's that hope is a hero's most valuable resource.

Quote #3

ELROND: He is not coming back. Why do you linger here when there is no hope?

ARWEN: There is still hope.

Arwen and Elrond are talking about two different kinds of hope. Arwen believes that men and elves may still prevail against the dark lord; Elrond doubts this but when he sends troops to Helm's Deep we see he still has some faith left. But the hope Elrond speaks of is the hope for her future with Aragorn. Even if he survives the war, she will live forever and he will die a mortal man. This is just the fact of their beings. Sometimes hope and reality don't match up.