The Selection Chapter 21 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • America spends the rest of the day in hiding. Actually, scratch that—she hides out for three days. Girl's scared.
  • Kriss' birthday is on Thursday, so Maxon decides to throw a party. America likes Kriss, so she grabs her violin and decides to play a song as a gift.
  • The girls are all gathered, and they're all done up to the nines. The tens even. Kriss gleefully announces that Prince Maxon himself will be making an appearance.
  • After Celeste humble brags like her life depends on it, Kriss begs America to play a song. So she does.
  • America gets in the zone as soon as she starts playing. It's wonderful. When she finishes, she sees that Maxon has arrived and is looking at her lovingly.
  • This lovely moment is interrupted by a scream: Celeste has "accidentally" spilled her punch all over Kriss's beautiful birthday dress. For real?