The Republic Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Republic? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Socrates hope the myth of metals will accomplish?

It will improve the city's relationship with the mining industry
It will make housing assignments easier
It will teach people that they are actually made of metals
It will cause everyone to feel connected to each another
Q. Who is Er?

A tyrant punished in the afterlife
A philosopher Socrates is friends with
A hero who comes back from the dead
The name of Socrates's daimon
Q. In the Allegory of the Cave, who are the prisoners meant to represent?

All human beings who lack philosophy
Slaves under a bad form of government
Philosophers who are exiled from the cities
Poets who willfully mislead people
Q. What does Er learn is particularly useful in the afterlife?

A strong, athletic physique
An excellent knowledge of mathematics
The wisdom to differentiate good lives from bad ones
A lot of money
Q. Who is able to leave the cave in the Allegory of the Cave?

A few, randomly selected prisoners
Anyone who opens his eyes to philosophy
The hero, Er
No one can ever leave the cave