Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter)’s Timeline and Summary

Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter)’s Timeline and Summary

  • In the movie's opening scene, Elizabeth sits and watches helplessly as her husband stutters badly during a speech at Wembley.
  • The next time we see Elizabeth, she's with her husband in the office of a speech therapist. She questions the man's methods and agrees with her husband that the man is a quack.
  • Bertie tells Elizabeth that he won't see any more specialists, but she visits Lionel Logue anyway to make one last effort to help her husband. When she tells Bertie about his appointment, he says he absolutely won't go. But then of course he goes.
  • Bertie rejects Logue after one session. But when he later puts on a recording of himself speaking perfectly, Elizabeth walks into the room with wonder and they decide together that Logue is their guy from now on.
  • Elizabeth doesn't think much of her brother-in-law David's choice in women. She's especially offended that he wants to marry an American divorcée named Wallis. She doesn't try to hide her disapproval either.
  • When Bertie finds out that he's going to be king, he breaks down and cries. But Elizabeth is there to comfort him.
  • By the end of the movie, Elizabeth is ready to accept Lionel Logue as a friend of her family, especially after Bertie's first wartime speech goes over well.