The Forest of Hands and Teeth Chapter 14 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • The next morning blaring sirens wake Mary up… that and her wedding-gift dog, Argos, barking like a maniac. Oh—and the massive tug on her arm as Harry yanks her out of bed by their Binding Cords.
  • Mary has a lost-in-thought moment as she stares at the Binding Cords and remembers the night before, but Harry yanks her from her daydream by dragging her to the table and cutting the rope with the ceremonial knife.
  • While Harry tries to stuff stuff (that's funny) into a bag like a madman, Mary thinks about the ropes and slip-slides around her head on slowed-down time. She stares at the people crazily running for the platforms outside her window.
  • Harry shouts orders, but she doesn't hear him, because her brain is still in la la land. She wonders if the Travster will still come for her.
  • Then Mary sees the red of Gabrielle's sweater streak past the window, and she realizes that this is not a drill, but a full-blown zombie attack of epic proportions.
  • She sees two little kiddos running outside. The older brother, six-year-old Jacob, falls to the ground, and his little sister isn't sure what to do. When the Unconsecrated come for him, she tries to drag him, but he pushes her away toward the platforms.
  • Argos is now a growling mass of protector-dog.
  • Harry grabs Mary's chin and looks into her eyes, then dashes out the door for Jacob. He's back with the boy in his arms in a matter of seconds.
  • He tosses Mary a bundle, grabs her hand, then slings Jake over his shoulder, ready to run out the door.
  • Mary tries to get a grip on the knife Harry gave her, and then they're running.
  • When they get to the first platform ladder, a dude yanks it up before Mary can get on it. The platform's only half-full, but everyone's just trying to save their own skin.
  • Mary takes a tumble.
  • She looks up and sees Travis nearby, about to head up a ladder with Cass. She screams his name, but the siren gobbles it up. When she tries again, it shatters the air because the sirens cut out right before she yells.
  • Time stops for a second as Travis and Mary look at each other and have a love moment.
  • But then sounds explode everywhere and the Unconsecrated are coming in for the kill.
  • Harry drags Mary away, and they're running, running, running, running, and…
  • A zombie snags Mary's hair, and she's down. She rams her knife into the flesh-eater's shoulder, but the zombie lady ain't gonna give up. She keeps on coming, and Mary tries to grab the knife again, but no can do. She knows she's about to kick the bucket.