
For starters, The Departed has one of the most devoted fan followings of any cop flick you're ever going to watch. And if you don't believe us, just check out how many people are willing to discuss certain aspects of the movie and throw out theories of how certain things worked out. For example, one poster on wants to know what exactly Billy Costigan put in the envelope he gave to Madolyn before he died (source).

On another level, you have fans out there who have written entire novels mapping out the stuff that happens to the characters before, during, and after the events of this movie. If you want to see some true fan devotion, be sure to check out this fanfiction site and read some of the stuff that fans have written about the movie. Um... just be forewarned that fanfiction is often R-rated and sexual in nature.

If all that fanfic stuff is too steamy for you, then there's always the Facebook fan site, where you can "Like" the movie to show others your movie preferences. Oh, yeah—and you'll also get random posts to your wall that usually involve quotes from the movie. You know, in case you can't get enough of The Departed.