The Day of the Locust Theme of Ambition

You've got to be ambitious if you want to make it in Hollywood. That's what Faye Greener believes, at least. Born into a family of actors, this seventeen-year-old mega-babe has everything it takes to be successful except for this little thing called talent. She's not going to let that stop her, though: whether she's using her beauty to win the hearts of successful filmmakers like Claude Estee, or rattling off half-baked career advice cribbed from entertainment magazines, Faye is dedicated to becoming a success—even if she loses her dignity in the process.

Questions About Ambition

  1. Is Tod ambitious? Explain.
  2. Is Faye doing the right things to become a movie star?
  3. Why can't Harry let go of his career ambitions?
  4. Is Claude happy now that he's successful?