The Tinker Timeline and Summary


The Tinker Timeline and Summary

  • The tinker rides up to Elisa's garden on a wagon. He strikes up a conversation with Elisa, asking her for directions, and for work.
  • After striking out repeatedly, he compliments her chrysanthemums and tells her he has a customer who might like some shoots.
  • He listens as Elisa explains how to care for the chrysanthemums, and then guilt-trips Elisa into giving him some pots to fix.
  • When she says she would love his life, he tells Elisa that his lifestyle wouldn't be good for a woman.
  • He hits the road, after absent-mindedly telling Elisa he'll take care of the chrysanthemums she gave him.
  • Later, he presumably throws her chrysanthemums out into the road (although we don't actually see him doing this). His caravan gets passed by Henry and Elisa's car as they head to town for the evening.