The Chrysanthemums Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Chrysanthemums? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who has "Planter's hands"?

The man who killed Mr. Peanut
The tinker
Q. Who in the story feels the most isolated?

The tinker
Q. What does Elisa see on the road that devastates her?

Her dog…dead
Her flowers
The tinker, after being shot
Her husband cheating
Q. What is the symbol of Elisa's prettiness on her date night?

Mended pot
Party dress
Chrysanthemum on the road
Q. Which of the following phrases is used to describe the Salinas Valley?

East of Eden
"a nice place to be from"
"a closed pot"
Quiet and idyllic