The Repo Man Sings for You Images

Steal This Album Cover

Steal This Album stole its concept from a 1960s guide for radicals by Abbie Hoffman called Steal This Book.

Boots Riley

Combing his 'fro.

Del Tha Funkee Homosapien

You can see why he made a good sidekick playing the part of evil.

Boots and Pam the Funkstress

Pam was Boots' most long-term collaborator in The Coup.

Controversial Party Music cover

This cover, designed a few months before the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, was redesigned before Party Music dropped in late 2001. But the original cover had already been released on the website, and the damage was done: in 2006, Riley said he never does an interview where he does not get asked about the album cover.

Pick a Bigger Weapon Cover

Riley kept it ridiculous well into the 2000s.