John Boone Timeline & Summary


John Boone Timeline & Summary

  • While on the Ares, John agrees with Arkady's decision that they need to try to make a new society on Mars; he also starts a relationship with Maya.
  • John and the First Hundred arrive on Mars and get to work settling in; John acts as a type of impromptu leader among the group.
  • Colonists start colonizing the planet, and John works with Sax on the terraforming project.
  • Sabotage incidents happen at major terraforming sites, so John decides to don his Sherlock cap and find out who's responsible.
  • He travels all over Mars, talking with people and gathering clues.
  • John receives the longevity treatment and the promises of many birthday presents to come.
  • He continues to travel all over the planet. Like all over.
  • One night, he bumps into the Coyote and some young kid that doesn't take a liking to John; unbeknownst to him, it's his son, Kasei.
  • Someone tries to murder John. At the same time, UNOMA investigators turn up to figure out who's behind the sabotage incidents. They end up investigating John instead.
  • John takes a vacation from traveling all over Mars and heads to Phobos to meet Arkady and travel all over Mars's moon instead.
  • Back on Mars, John goes to Underhill, where the UNOMA investigators frame him for murder. John unframes himself for said murder.
  • He convinces many of the First Hundred and various colonies to have a party on Olympus Mons, celebrating the passing of the dust storm and Sam's introduction of an ice meteor to the planet's atmosphere.
  • At the party, Hiroko comes out of hiding. John tells her he knows about his son.
  • John tells the First Hundred he knows the sabotage incidents were Hiroko's people—but not under orders from Hiroko. They came up with the plans on their own.
  • John convinces many of the First Hundred there to join him in preventing the transnats from revising the Mars Treaty.
  • Much later, at a festival in Nicosia, John Boone is killed by a young Arab named Selim—thanks to an assassination arranged by Frank.