Rear Window Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rear Window.

Quote #1

JEFF: Next Wednesday, I emerge from this plaster cocoon.

The cast just goes from his toes to his hip, but it seems to him like he's living inside it.

Quote #2

JEFF: Yeah, can't you just see me, rushin' home to a hot apartment to listen to the automatic laundry and the electric dishwasher and the garbage disposal... the nagging wife.

The cast isn't the only thing making him feel confined. He's clearly not down with the whole marriage thing, either, which means that Lisa's overtures feel a lot like a trap to him. This is a pretty nasty thing to say about her.

Quote #3

LISA: Someday you might want to open up your own studio here.

JEFF: How could I run it from, say, Pakistan?

Jeff clearly views confinement in strictly physical terms here, which is why he resists becoming a studio photographer and being with Lisa. Statements like this start us thinking that all of this travel to distant places is a way of running away from something.