Pressia Belze Timeline & Summary


Pressia Belze Timeline & Summary

  • Pressia's lying in a cabinet that her grandfather made for her. She is hiding from the OSR, a revolutionary group that either kills or recruits kids on their sixteenth birthday.
  • Since her and her grandfather need food and money, Pressia goes to the market to haggle. On the way, a beast chases her into an abandoned building.
  • It's okay though, because inside the building is where she meets her new crush, Bradwell (but she doesn't exactly like him yet). She goes home after listening to Bradwell talk about "Shadow History," which she doesn't believe in.
  • Ringringring: it's Pressia's sixteenth birthday.
  • Time to run away: the OSR comes for Pressia, so she runs away and decides to find Bradwell.
  • While escaping to Bradwell's house, she see's Partridge, a "Pure" who has escaped the Dome. Instead of killing him, she decides to help him. What a girl.
  • After agreeing to try to help find Partridge's mother, Pressia is taken by OSR. Great.
  • She's taken into training to become an officer though, so that's not all too bad.
  • She's even taken to the head of the OSR's house for a lovely dinner. She eats oysters and eggs and drinks lemonade and has just a grand old time. Until she gets poisoned.
  • When she wakes up she's in the backseat of a car; she and El Capitan beat up the driver and drive to Bradwell's house—he and Partridge aren't there, though.
  • Pressia is told to protect the car, and she's attacked by a Dust creature. She and El Capitan defeat it, but then Pressia is taken away by a "mother."
  • She then wakes up in the mothers' hideout, where she finds Bradwell and Partridge.
  • Inside the hideout Pressia finds out that she is Partridge's half-sister, and that she has a tracking chip in the back of her neck.
  • Pressia and her gang finally find her mothers' hideout. She has a nice heart-to-heart with her mother while her new half-brother Sedge fights the bad guys above the hideout.
  • Then Sedge's head explodes, which kills their mother as well.
  • The gang heads to the head OSR's house; he is killed by his wife, then Pressia finally gets to kiss Bradwell in their brief moment of alone time.